Use of the Education Authority Logo


This page outlines the required use of the Education Authority Logo by voluntary youth organisations in receipt of EA Youth Service Funding. Organisations are required to display the Education Authority logo on associated items delivered as part of the funding for:

  • Print Materials Funded (posters, booklets, flyers etc)
  • Websites or website pages associated with the funding
  • Promotional Activity associated with the funding
  • Media content produced as part of the funding (films, interactive content etc)

This guide is also available in PDF format, click the button below to download:

The EA Logo Sets

The EA logo has been provided as part your formal letter of offer in a Zip File, this includes all formats and types. There are two versions of the logo – Version 1 is a Horizontal logo and Version 2 is a Vertical Stack logo. Both versions of the logo are available in colour, white or black.

The use of these logos is defined below:

    • The colour logo should be used only on a white background.
    • The black or white versions should be used on all other colours.
    • The white logo is to be used on darker‐coloured backgrounds and the black logo on lighter‐coloured backgrounds.
    • The vertical stack logo should only be used when there is limited horizontal space
    • The logo must never be redrawn or modified in any way, for example, with a drop shadow or outline effect.
    • Only versions provided in your letter of offer should be used

Version 1 ‐ Horizontal Logos (not for download)

Version 2 ‐ Vertical Stack Logos (not for download)

Acceptable use of logo

There may be instances when the EA logo is required to be used on irregular backgrounds such as a photograph or pattern. It should be possible to use a version of either the white or black logo in these instances, however there may be rare occasions where the background does not provide sufficient contrast. On these occasions, it may be necessary to use a suitable plain background in order to provide sufficient contrast.

Scale and Proportion

There are no predetermined sizes for the EA logo as it will be used across a large variety of formats. Scale and proportion should be determined by the space available. When placing the EA logo into your workspace, hold down the shift key on your keyboard when resizing the logo to maintain its correct proportions.

Exclusion Zones

Where possible, the EA logo should always be surrounded by a minimum area of space. This exclusion zone ensures that headlines, text or other visual elements do not encroach on the logo. The area is defined by using the width of the ‘e’ of ‘ea’ at the widest points in the logo. This width will create an invisible boundary. This area of separation is a minimum and should be increased wherever possible.

By using the width of the ‘e’ as a guide as opposed to a unit measurement, this will ensure a safe zone of correct proportion to the logo is created. This principle should be applied across all versions of the EA logo in whatever medium it is being applied to.

Version 1 ‐ Horizontal

Using the width of the ‘e’ to create a safe zone

Version 2 – Vertical stack

Using the width of the ‘e’ to create a safe zone

Official Branding Colour Codes

The colour breakdowns for print and digital use are illustrated below. No other colour combinations are permitted within the logo. The order in which the colours appear must not be changed. The blue shape must appear on the extreme left, followed by the yellow, followed by the green. The EA letters must remain at 100% black. The words Education Authority must be the same blue as the left shape.

Use on Digital Media & Published Content

The EA logo can be positioned either top left or top right on digital media. Its position should be dictated by whichever is most fit for purpose and whichever is most aesthetically pleasing for the product.

Logo Files for Download

Version 1 - for Screen or Presentation

Version 2 - for Screen or Presentation

Version 1 - for Printing

Version 2 - for Printing

Support and Information​

Please visit the Support Section for more information and guidance at on this website or email: