Register with EA – Copy

Registering with EA

What are the Benefits of Registration?

  • Access to the funding portal
  • EA Outdoor Learning Centres at reduced rates
  • No need to provide additional compliance evidence when applying for relevant funding streams
  • You can apply for capital funding via the Department of Education
  • Easier access to additional funding opportunities, such as T:BUC Camps Programme and Intervention funding

As a Registered Community and Voluntary Youth Organisation you can apply for funding through the funding scheme for local and regional voluntary organisations.  When registering, each organisation will determine whether they are a local or regional voluntary youth organisation which will determine which funding stream organisations can apply to.  The eligibility matrix below provides criteria for registration in accordance with the various funding streams available. 

Does my organisation meet the requirements?

Eligibility Criteria for Registration

Local Voluntary Youth Organisations

Regional Voluntary Youth Organisations

Non-Registered Organisations

Bonafide Organisation

An organisation must be operating under a Constitution, Articles of Association or Deed of Trust depending on the governance type. The management structure must have 3 individual office bearers named on the registration form. See the requirements outlined here.

Insurance and Health & Safety Measures

Access to an appropriate setting for the delivery of youth work, with health & safety measures and practices in place to deliver youth work safely children and young people. Proof of appropriate insurance is also required.

Safeguarding Policies

Safeguarding or Child Protection Policy, in line with DE Guidance, must be in place. For those working with young people aged 18-25, the policy provided must include young adults or provide a separate Adults at Risk of Harm Policy. See the requirements outlined here.

Delivery of Youth Work in Line with DE Policy Priorities for Youth

The organisation must deliver Youth Work which contributes to the policy Aims (page 12) by providing access to enjoyable, non-formal learning opportunities that develop social and cognitive skills and overcome barriers to learning. It should also create inclusive, participative settings in which the voice and influence of young people is valued and evident in the design, delivery, and evaluation of programmes. Further information can be found here.

Delivery of Youth Work in Line with the Curriculum - Youth Work: A model for Effective Practice

The programme of offer and methodologies must align with the Youth Work curriculum. It should promote the Personal and Social Development of children and young people, underpinned by the 3 core principles.  Further information can be found here.

Registered Membership of Children and Young People

All registered Local Voluntary Youth Organisations must have a viable membership of young people aged between 4-25 years. A minimum of 8 young people is expected. The membership should have access to a Youth Work programme for at least 4 weeks per year. Support is available to build capacity within all Local Voluntary Youth Organisations.

Provide Support to Local Voluntary Youth Organisations

It is a requirement for any Regional Voluntary Youth Organisation wishing to access Regional Strategic Funding to provide Governance, Curriculum and Workforce Development support to Local Voluntary Youth Organisations. This is optional for all other Regional Voluntary Youth Organisations.


Banking and Accounting Procedures

The organisation must have a bank account in the name of the organisation, with at least 2 signatories in place.

What funding can my organisation access?

Funding Streams Available

Local Voluntary Youth Organisations

Regional Voluntary Youth Organisations

Non-Registered Organisations

Local Area Funding

Local Project Funding

Generic/Non-Targeted Funding

Regional Project Funding

Regional Development Funding​

Regional Strategic Funding​

Small Grants Scheme


TBUC Camps

Planned Intervention Project


Start the Registration Process

EA Youth Service provides two ways to register. Clicking “register with the EA form” below is the fastest and easiest way to register and access funding. However, if you prefer to complete your registration on paper you can request a copy of the paper form by emailing

Step 1: Expression of Interest

Express your interest to Register with Education Authority via the online form or by requesting a paper copy.

Education Authority will process your form and allocate a staff member to complete the registration process with you.

Step 2: Follow-up Information

Submit any documentation requested by your allocated EA staff member. This may include safeguarding policies and governing document.

Your allocated contact will arrange a suitable time for a Verification Visit and review the additional documents beforehand.

Step 3: Verification Visit

The Verification Visit will take place at the agreed time and venue.

Your allocated contact will provide you with feedback before leaving the venue and submit a written report to recommend or not recommend registration as a Voluntary Youth Organisation.

Step 4: What's Next?

If recommended:

If not recommended:

Account created and registration confirmed, giving you access to the funding portal

Support will be co-ordinated if you wish to address the issues raised